Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task 

Aim: To show that we can use three key camera movements. Shot reverse shot and match on action. Understanding the effect they have when used.

The main idea for the preliminary is based of the genre drama as if to be a romantic drama but ares is to follow two people having relationship problems trying to solve them with a dramatic ending. (Portray a love story in an unconventional way)
Shot reverse shot- Which will be the two characters having a conversation
Match on action- The character coming through the doorway but when shot from the inside and outside everything is done the same e.g. the hand used to open the door.

Our Actors where James Fearn and Aaron Joseph

Camera man: Jake Codd
In charge of props and actors was : (Me) Lawreeta Grant

The Script

The scene is a college corridor with double doors at the end and doors on either side of the corridor.
James walks through the double doors and the camera follows him down the corridor with a reverse tracking shot until he reaches a door on his left. The camera cuts behind him as he opens the door and enters class room.

The camera then cuts to inside the room as James walks in and pans to follow him over to a table  where Aaron is sitting at a table. 

James sits down opposite Aaron at the table and a over the shoulder shot facing aaron captures aaron talking. 

AARON: Hey James thank you for coming  (Shy smile)

JAMES: Im sorry Aaron, I don't think I can do this ... I thought I could but its just too hard...

AARON:  Please James, I need to explain! (Looks upset)

JAMES: No Aaron, its gone to far, I cant do it, goodbye, you wont hear from me agin...

James gets up from the table and walks out 
Aaron gets up also and goes over to James

Here's the storyboard:

Individual Production Log

24th February 2012

Production HQ
We completed are script for the Preliminary task. Once we had finished are storyboard. For pre-production for the task.
Also assigned roles to everyone for the preliminary task
12th March 2012
Christ the king corridor and media class room
We filmed are preliminary task making sure we got an over the shoulder shot; shot reverse shot and long shot.
14th March 2012
Production HQ
We edited the footage we got from are filming on Monday to make it more fluent and cut the parts that had continuity errors

Intentions for How You Are Going to Incorporate the Required Preliminary Elements into Thriller Opening.
By completing the Preliminary task and gave us a sense of understand of various camera angles and techniques that we could use and incorporate into our thriller opening, such as tracking and reverse tracking, over the shoulder shots, as well as different cut methods, straight cuts, to another scene, fades, or cutting to a different angle of the same scene.

Understanding Editing Software

The editing software used was 'Final Cut Pro', which is editing software used for apple computers. Firstly we got use to the different tools and transition's needed to edit the film as this practice will help when editing the main opening sequence. We then uploaded are footage and started to put the pieces together whilst cropping certain parts in order to merge all the clips together in order for the video to flow smoothly. Through looking at the different tools and effects we found out how to add the transitions between clips and add music but we did not add music or transitions we just used a straight cut 

Here are photographs of the setting/background we used to film are Preliminary task:

The hallway                                                                  

The Door of the room

The Classroom

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