Friday, 27 April 2012

Thriller Title Analysis: Panic Room

 Representation in the opening scene

It looks like its representing city life in New York. It can be seen as a positive and negative representation depending on how the audience think of it. It can be a positive representation as it shows how modern society has developed through the buildings style. What also makes it look like a positive representation is the fact it shows the park full of people enjoying themselves setting a postive scenario for the audience. Also the people on the street looked like they were going to work and the streets where busy which could place new yorkers in a way to show them as hard working. It could be seen as a negative representation as it could shown them as over working and the streets as congested. The two women at the end of the opening sequence seemed to be rushing so to the audience it could be seen as their jobs always keep them busy. They looked like they dont have time to socialise, like they have to a narrow day to day rountine.
Titles of each opening look like
The credits in this film are all moving in different angles by the camera doing pan shots. This is an interesting and unconventional way to show the credits as its in a way for the audience to engage with as it moves along the page. I would say typography was used as a silver, bold writing, embedded in the scene and buildings of the city being showed in establishing shots. The style of writing is modern which fits with the modern buildings therefore it relates to the setting of the movie giving it an authentic look. Also the way the writing is set can possibly relate to the storyline. As the writing is bold and in capitals it could indicate the style of the film possibly having a strong, action filled storyline. I like how the titles emerge whith the buildings and skyline as it shows that they have thought about every aspect of the movie. Sometimes with the titles they cut to the next title or they use a pan shot skimming the title for the audience to have enough time to read it. The non-digetic music used when this was happening added tot he tension and suspense building up in the audience to get them focused and readyh for the movie. Which shows it showing the conventions of a thriller.
Camera, Sound, Editing and Mise-en-scene
Panic room has tall city buildings at the bottom we see the road busy with taxis and cars which I think symbolizes to the audience the stereotypical view of New York looking at their busy life's. New York would be the establishing shot, with the first set of text appearing on screen, the text is bold and clear and is also 3D, this is an effective way of drawing the audiences attention towards the credit rather than whats happening in the background shot of the city. Also the women we see at the end of the sequence backs this view up with the way they are presented to us which were wearing suits the sunglasses suggest the feminity they still have. Also they were speed walking and talking adding emphasis on the busy scenario they are in. The non-digetic music was slow with a low pitch which made the atmosphere chilled and tense. Also effective on the audience as it draws them in. The sound was clear it was like a violin then halfway through it started to go fast paced which got the audience more alert which is a convention of a thriller.  There was a ticking sound which was always in the background of the music which rings in your ear building the suspense. For me as part of the audience it will make me feel nervous and uneasy thinking what will happen during the movie, so you get more eager to want to watch the movie. The used the jump cuts technique to jump to different titles whilst using the pan shot shot to show the title in a steady pace. The blunt cuts help to build suspense and let the transitions go smoothly into another scene. The camera angles used in the shots are extreme long shots, high and low angle shots. They zoomed out enough to show the background to help the audience interpret the setting of the movie.
Narrative in the opening scene match the conventions of the thriller genre
The non diegetic sound used in the Panic Room really portrayed the conventions of thriller which could get the atmosphere more clearly across to the audience. The characters set as regular people helps the audience to relate to the movie. For example the music was creating tension. Along with the steady slow movment of the camera creating suspense. Also the fact that they do not give away alot in the opening credits helps to focus and draw the audience in therefore making them think of whats to come next. Also the themes they seem to portraying I would say is crime and death which are common themes used in Thrillers. Which I got from the title of the movie.
                  How Production Company might influence what appears in the film
Colombia pictures corporation contributed to the making of Panic Room They could influence the movie in a positive or negative way. Which they influenced the movie in a positve way as they are a popular production company which means they have a lot of links in the film industry therefore they have people that can help gain the movies they are working on popularity. Colombia pictures do diverse movies from comedy to action and they've been around for a long time therefore they have expeirience working different types of movies and have understanding on how to make it success. So they might help suggest things to help the movie give the boost it needs to succeed. From the movies they've worked on they will of been bound to pick up fans which will then help attract people to watch the movie and that will result in them gaining more money back than what they spent making the movie.
What may happen in the rest of the movie....
I think those women in the start of the movie will be put in a situation that is abnormal to their day to day rountine. I think it's going to challenge the people involved to find oput what kind of person they really are. The situation will be filled with suspense filled moments where there in danger. It's going to involve more than one antagonist with jumpy scenes to create the suspense for the audience.

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