Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Research Questionaire & Results

1. What Gender are you?

Male           Female

2. How old are you?

10-14     15-19    20-25      30-35    40-45      46+

3. How often do you visit the cinema?

Never     Once a Week       Fortnightly       once a month        once a year     other

4. What sub-genre thrillers do you prefer?

Political thriller      Disaster thriller       Psychological thriller     Crime thriller    Conspiracy thriller

Supernatural thriller     Other (please state) ...........................................

5. What types of Iconography would you expect to see for a thriller movie?

Weapons      Blood      Death     Car chase      Police (e.g. F.B.I)    

6. How much information should a film opening contain?

No information      The title      The title and main actors    title, main actors, production company

title, main actors, production company, crew names

7. What type of shots catches your eye?

Scenic shots      outdoor shots      indoor shots     other

Here are the Results:

Question 1: What gender are you?

Which shows that we tried to ask and even number of male and female people. To keep the results fair and reliable.

Question 2: How old are you?
This Shows the majority of people we asked where around are age group.

Question 3: How Often do you visit the cinema?

This Result shows that the cinema is not popular these days. This could be due to the fact that there is easier access to films from blockbuster rentals to the internet. So if they gop to the cinema the movie has to live up to a high standard in order to rake in a high rating. So it shows that we need to think about the audience we are focusing on in order for are opening sequence to be something to catch there eye.

 Question 4: What Sub-genre thrilers do you prefer?

This result shows that crime thrillers eem to be the most popular sub-genre at this moment so I think when planning are opening sequence we need to think about basing are opening on a popular genre right now in thriller.

Question 5: What Iconography would you expect to see in a Thriller?

As you can see that death is the common thing people said they would see in a Thriller I think we as a group should include an element based around death into are opening.

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