Representation in the opening scene
In the opening credits we see a pair of male like hands. The man is being represented as the antagonist.This starts off the film well as it brings mystery straight into impact as we find ourselves wondering why this person ids doing it. The credits then blank out into showing 'An Arnold Kopelsan production'. This then reminds you that the film has not got actually started and we are not established with the characters yet. The credits then move onto what looks like a book with a picture of someone's disfigured hands resting on a page. I feel this is used in the opening credits because it brings again a sense of mystery and almost confusion as we are wondering what this picture has to do with the film. The opening credits then cut to a scene where it looks like tools are being cleaned or sharpened to be used in some way. Then there is a freakish scene where there looks to be a man skinning his own finger with one of the tools he was sharpening, This brings the gore factor into the thriller and makes the viewers skwint and even look away in some circumstances. After a few more distorted scenes we see the man start to write in that book or journal we saw earlier. This reminds you that the book must have a major part to play in tis film and all these scenes are showing him preparing to write in the book. The last scenes of the opening credits just show this man adding more and more to his book in the means of pictures, more writing and even passages of work being stitched into it. The sequence consists of hint's about the characterisation of the film's antagonist. For example, the audience is shown the word 'God' being cut out of a dollar bill. This single image conveys a lot about the antagonist and what the film will be about which is the theme of God.
Titles of each opening look like
It then shows the two main actors names in small bold white writing which flickers and stays on the screen for 3 seconds each. The film title , Se7ev then appears in the same font. From then on it shows names of the actors/actresses which have the smaller parts but only shows them for a smaller amount of time. The way it comes in is very flashy which gives the chilling thriller effect. The font of the writing is quite weird and spooky looking to create a thrilling effect on the audience showing the clear conventions of a thriller. The style of the credits reminds me of the type of thriller sub-genre crime and things like investigation.
Camera, Sound and Mise-en scene
The music (non-diegetic) in the opening credits sounds distorted and the typical thriller music as it builds up suspense and confusion and brings the scenes into another dimension. camera angles consists of close-ups that are put together like a montage. This serves to intrigue the audience with minute detail and distance the audience by not showing any wider shots means not given a clearer view of the character. Which therefore focuses them on the movie when it begins. There are also a loads of matched cuts, just skipping a bit of time, and this again, get inside the audience' head creating a tense atmosphere.
The music in the opening credits is very slow, you can hear a heartbeat, it sounds very machanical, very echoy. then it sudenly picks up its pace and the suspense and tension rises.
Narrative in the opening scene match the conventions of the thriller genre
The music used in the opening connotes the suspense and tension of a thriller movie. In one of the frames we see someone drawing a line through some eyes this connotes a bad situation and gives a moody sense to the opening.
What may happen in the rest of the movie....
I think during the movie the character we see in the opening credits will be revealed and I think they will have a main role to play in the movie. Also I think the movie will be based around a some kind of serial killer or murderer that will be hidden until he is found by the police or detectives that his killings that will be infamous and that will dangerous towards the public. I think it will be a movie that will build a lot of suspense with the theme of times running out.